Crisis Intervention & Prevention Team

  • HEB ISD's Crisis Intervention & Prevention Team addresses mental health concerns, prevents suicide and self-harm, and creates a positive school environment for all students. The team works with all HEB ISD schools, and is part of the district-wide Counseling & Guidance department.


Team Staff

  • Carmen Brown, PhD, LSSP, LP
    Crisis Intervention and Prevention Team Lead
    817-399-2562 -
    Primarily works with: KEYS High School, Central Jr. High, Harwood Jr. High, Midway Park, North Euless, Spring Garden, Wilshire

    Heather Andrews, LCSW
    Crisis Intervention and Prevention Team
    817-399-2570 -
    Primarily works with: L.D. Bell High School, Bedford Jr. High, Hurst Jr. High, Bedford Heights, Hurst Hills, River Trails, Trinity Lakes

    Irene Cedillo, LCSW
    Crisis Intervention and Prevention Team
    817-399-3558 -
    Primarily works with: Bellaire, Bell Manor, Donna Park, Harrison Lane, Oakwood Terrace, Shady Oaks, Stonegate, Viridian

    Amanda Sawyer, LCSW
    Crisis Intervention and Prevention Team
    817-399-2572 -
    Primarily works with: Trinity High School, Euless Jr. High, Arbor Creek, Lakewood, Meadow Creek, Shady Brook, South Euless


    - a Google Presentation with links to common resources