Campus Clubs

  • Red Raiders! Want to find a group of like-minded students?
    Join a club at Hurst Junior High!

    Don't see your favorite club? Many times during the school year, students will organize additional clubs or organizations. If you have an idea for a club, find a teacher willing to sponsor your organization and write a description of the club and it's purpose. Then, ask Ms. Trammell for an appointment to talk to our principal, Mr. Smith. New clubs are starting all the time, so if your interests are not represented, organize your own club.

    Art Club / Ms. Rolf - Room 127 - Wednesdays 3:45-4:45
    A club organized to create beautiful art. Its members will be working to create a more vibrant, creative environment for students to study and learn. All students are welcome to attend meetings; there are no enrollment requirements to participate.

    StuCo / Mrs. DeMoss & Mrs. Kilcoyne - see announcements for meeting dates
    Student Council gives students a voice at HJH. If you have ideas that you think would better the school, StuCo is the place for you. If you want to have a say in school dances, fundraisers, school spirit, and activities, you should join Student Council.

    Maker Club / Mrs. Crumby - Library- see announcements for meeting dates
    Students have the opportunity to build, create, and make in a variety of ways that stretch the way they think. Students will have new opportunities each meeting to try something new and fun!

    K-Pop and Anime Club / Mrs. Keith- Room 223- Tuesdays 3:35-4:15
    Students have the opportunity to gather and chat about their favorite K-Pop songs and Anime books and shows. 

    Cyber Club / Ms. Killoran- Room 129- Tuesdays 3:45-4:20
    Students have the opportunity to participate in activities and fun to improve their cybersecurity skills.

    Yoga Club / Ms. Ruiz- Library- 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 3:45-4:45
    Students have the opportunity to pause in their busy day and practice yoga together. 

    Guitar Club / Mr. Bean - Room 226 - Fridays 3:40-4:30
    Students spend time learning and playing guitar together. This club is for all levels of musicians. 

    Tennis Club / Ms. Ruiz 
    Tennis is an after-school club at HJH. Practices are scheduled during the week, with games in the spring season. Both boys are girls are allowed to participate in tennis, even if you are in athletics. Just speak to your coaches about conflicting schedules.

    Cheerleading / Mrs. DeMoss 
    Cheerleading is an after-school activity that 7th and 8th graders try out for in February. At HJH, cheerleaders attend and cheer at football, volleyball, and basketball games. In addition, they perform in pep rallies and volunteer in many school-sponsored events.

    Boys Soccer / Mr. Bean
    Although boys' soccer is not an elective at HJH, you can still join the after-school program. Our boys' soccer team has accomplished some great things in the past years, including an undefeated regular season this past year.

     CommUNITY Club / Ms. Ruiz

    A club for Red Raider humanitarians that want this world to be better. This club strives to improve the place we all call home by helping in our community. They meet every Monday in room 104 after school. 

    National Junior Honor Society / Mrs. Hodges & Mrs. Peters

    This is a club that is interested in students that like to volunteer in their community, model leadership, and maintain an overall A in their core classes. They will send out invitations to join during the 2nd semester. 

    TRIO / Aqsa Cheema

    A federally funded program made for first generation students to prepare them for post secondary education. They meet 1-2 times a month in small groups during the school day to work on: college knowledge, academic success, career exploration, financial literacy, and life skills. You can grab an application to join in the counseling office.