VIPS Questions & Answers

Why does VIPS need me?

The Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD has a long history of volunteerism, and during the 2001-2002 school year, the District and the HEB Council of PTAs created VIPS, a formal program for recruiting and maintaining volunteers to offer hands-on assistance in our schools. Our volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds. They may be members of a group that has adopted a school; parents or grandparents of children in school; or individuals who want to give back to the community.

The objective of VIPS is to positively impact student achievement. Volunteers can read to students, tutor in a particular subject area, work in the library, or assist with special events. There is almost no end to opportunities in VIPS.

Here's why we need you:

  • 57 percent of HEB youth say they don't have non-parent adult support in their lives - you can change that
  • 75 percent of our youth say they don't have adults who can model positive behavior for them - but you can
  • 74 percent of our youth say they don't believe the community values youth - you can show you care
  • 82 percent of our youth don't read for pleasure - you can demonstrate your love of reading

(Data from Developmental Assets: A Profile of Your Youth , for the HEB Independent School District, May 2000)